Case Studies – Civil Defence

Civil Defence is a volunteer based organization that supports the front line emergency services. We also assist our local communities. Civil Defence has 3,500 volunteer members throughout Ireland.
Civil Defence operates a number of radio communications systems. These include:
V.H.F (Very High Frequency) system which provides wide-area radio coverage. This is a national system that incorporates a network of radio base stations and hill-top radio repeater sites throughout the country. This enables communications between the headquarters and Civil Defence vehicles in each county area.
U.H.F (Ultra High Frequency) system that is used mainly for on-site radio communications. This provides local radio coverage at incident sites and local areas of operation utilising U.H.F Mobile Radios, fitted to vehicles and Handheld Radios.
Civil Defence also operates a number of TETRA digital radio terminals which provide inter-communication with the primary response agencies, such as the Gardai, HSE and the Fire Services.
For its water based operations, Civil Defence utilises Marine V.H.F. radio which enables communications between the boat crews and other marine agencies such as the R.N.L.I., the Coast Guard and the various coastal and harbour radio stations.
Lynn Communications has been supporting Civil Defence in the supply and maintenance of their communication fleet for over 10 years.
Our expert team of engineers works closely with Civil Defence Officers to provide bespoke communication solutions specifically designed to the needs and demanding requirements of the Civil Defence.
“Lynn Communications have supported the Civil Defence on various projects for many years. Their experience and attention to detail is second to none. I would have no hesitation in recommending Lynn Communications.”
Paul – Civil Defence